Based upon your answer, it looks like...
You suffer from Blood Sugar Challenge #1
The Thrifty Genotype Challenge 
Hi, I’m Dr. Michael Murray,

I’ve analyzed your answers to the Blood Sugar Quiz and I’ve isolated what I believe to be your #1 Challenge to controlling your blood sugar.

Now, what comes next could be a big eye opener for you… 

You see, most people never consider this challenge when they are trying to lower their blood sugar and lose weight.

And they don’t realize how much this one challenge can dramatically damage their health…

Now in your case, based on everything you’ve told me…

It looks like you suffer from Blood Sugar Challenge #1, which is what I call…
The Thrifty Genotype Challenge
Because Thrifty Genotype Challenge people with your profile really struggle with losing weight, this special report will help you understand this challenge and give you 2 out of many of my specific solutions to deal with it. 

And I will tell you how to get the other solutions, but first…

Let me share with you a little more about what all this means for you…
Here's how it works...
While there is no actual “fat gene”, many of us have inherited what I call, the Thrifty Gene. 

What is the Thrifty Gene?

It is a genetic adaptation that we inherited from our ancestors to help us through the feast-or-famine cycles. So, in a sense, if you have the Thrifty Gene, you are more genetically advanced. Congratulations!  

However, in today’s society we don’t have the issue of interrupted food supply. We have this never-ending food supply and, as a result, people over feed themselves and gain more and more weight – raising their blood sugar levels. 

How do you know if you have the Thrifty Genotype?

You may have noticed one or more of the following symptoms:
  • You crave sweets.
  • You crave carbs.
  • You naturally want to consume sweets or carbs whenever they are around you, even if you aren’t hungry.
  • You eat healthy and exercise, yet your blood sugar seems to spike for no reason.
  • Your parents and /or grandparents have struggled with their weight.

Dr. Joseph Pizzorno

"For over 30 years, Dr. Michael Murray has been inspiring appreciative students, physicians and consumers. What makes him so special is his dynamic presentation of his decades of rigorous study of the peer-reviewed medical research; he speaks with science-based authority in practical terms."
Now there's good news and bad news...
The bad news is this…

When you have the Thrifty Genotype that means you have the genetic code to be predisposed to being overweight. And if you don’t do anything about it, you can end up with a real problem on your hands.

Here’s why…

Most people don’t realize what’s actually going on and that’s when things get REALLY dangerous.
Activating this Thrifty Gene is a lot like inviting a monster to come live inside your body. Once the monster is inside, it has a very powerful desire to take over...

It wants to eat and it wants to grow.

The monster that I am referring to is the accumulation of fat in your abdomen. And as it grows, it starts secreting a hormone called Resistin that blocks the action of insulin…
Making you more insulin resistant. 

And greater abdominal obesity increases your levels of Resistin, which makes you even more insulin resistant. And the higher your insulin resistance, the higher your blood sugar levels and the more you are at risk for diabetes and diabetic complications - anywhere from retinopathy to cardiovascular disease. This can land you in the emergency room, fighting for your life.

This is nothing to mess around with.

So that's the bad news...

Here's the good news ...
Unlike some blood sugar challenges
Yours is something you can actually DO something about…

There are a couple of simple steps you can take to resolve this challenge and these simple steps can help you protect your future health.

You see… 

just because you have the Thrifty Gene doesn’t mean you are destined to be overweight with high blood sugar for the rest of your life.

Think about it…

If you look at identical twins – they have the same genetic code…
But if they grew up apart – in completely different environments, they will look very different. 

One might be taller than the other, or look older…

Or weigh more.

So, even though you have activated the Thrifty Gene…

You can do something about it, simply by changing your environment.

Here’s how…
My Recommendations...

The first thing to do is to cut out all the sugar and flour from your diet.

This is what the monster feeds on. And if you cut off it’s food supply, it will start to shrink. Now I’m sure you are aware of all the junk food out there that has sugar and flour, so I want to help you detect all of the “hidden” junk food that you may not be aware of. Foods where you don’t suspect there to be any sugar or flour. Foods like ketchup, baked beans, salad dressings and soups.
Here are some guidelines to help you cut sugar and flour out of your diet:
  • Read labels carefully. If sugar or flour are among the first three ingredients, it is probably not a good option. 
  • Be aware that words appearing on the label, such as sucrose, glucose, maltose, lactose, corn syrup, or white grape juice concentrate, mean that sugar has been added. 
  • Use natural sweeteners such as stevia or xylitol instead of sugar. 

The second thing you can do is to start eating more fiber.  

Eating foods high in both soluble and insoluble fiber will help you to stop those cravings for sugar and carbs and help lower your blood sugar.

How does this work?

Insoluble fiber cannot be digested, so as it goes through your digestive system, it forms a type of net that increases the volume and thickness of the food, making you feel more full.

Soluble fiber can be digested and it absorbs water as it’s digested. This even further adds to the volume of the food.

And when insoluble and soluble fibers are combined, they line the digestive tract and create a netted barrier that slows down the absorption of sugars into the blood-stream. This will keep you from having blood sugar spikes after meals and will help to lower blood sugar levels in the long run. It will also make you feel full so you aren’t craving sweets and carbs.
Here are some guidelines to help you increase fiber in your diet:
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits for snacks at the first sign of hunger. Eat them whole, only peeling when necessary.
  • Get creative. Add vegetables or fruits to recipes like soups.
  • Try to use legumes (beans) as often as possible in recipes.  
I recommend eating 2-3 servings of fruit every day. A serving equals 1 medium piece of fruit (such as an apple or peach) or ½ cup of small or cut up fruit. 

And I recommend eating 3-4 servings of vegetables every day. A serving equals 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables (such as lettuce or spinach) or ½ cup of raw or cooked non-leafy vegetables.
Both of these recommendations will help you deactivate your Thrifty Gene. You will notice that you are feeling more energy. You will even start to lose excess belly fat as your cells start to use fat for energy instead of sugar.
Michael T. Murray, N.D., is widely regarded as one of the world's leading authorities on natural medicine. Dr. Murray is a graduate, faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr University. He is co-author of A Textbook of Natural Medicine, the definitive textbook on naturopathic medicine for physicians, as well as the consumer version - the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. He has also written over 30 other books with over 6 million copies in print including Dr. Murray’’s Total Body Tune-Up , The Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicines, The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, and his latest book –– What the Drug Companies Won’’t Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn’’t Know and The Revised Complete Book of Juicing. Dr Murray has also received 3 Lifetime Industry Achievement Awards.

For over thirty five years, Dr. Murray has been compiling a massive data-base of original scientific studies from the medical literature. He has personally collected over 70,000 articles from the scientific literature which provide strong evidence on the effectiveness of diet, vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other natural measures in the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease. It is from this constantly expanding data-base that Dr. Murray provides the answers on health and healing. 

Unfortunately for many people, they are never aware of the natural approach that can put them on the road to lifelong health. Michael T. Murray, N.D., has dedicated his life to educating physicians, patients, and the general public on the tremendous healing power of nature. In addition to his books, which have cumulative sales of over five million copies sold, Dr. Murray has written numerous articles for major publications, appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs, and lectured to hundreds of thousand people nationwide.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.

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